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All images on this blog are copyright of A. Hampton and the Hey Mister H! Blog unless otherwise stated.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Fun Begins!

Drum-roll please... Go ahead, you know you're already making the sound in your head...
Ta-da! My first pics are posted.
Most of the art I'll post will likely be pencil drawings I've done on break while substitute teaching starting with some from 4 years ago.
Here's a horse I drew in about an hour and a half. I struggled with the proportions and musculature since I was working from memory and without reference photographs, so there are some issues with overall anatomy, but in the interest of full disclosure I'll post it anyway.
Since the horse wasn't exactly perfect I decided to draw something next that allowed for a little more interpretation.  Seeing as no one to my knowledge has ever seen a dragon, I thought that might be a good candidate, so without further ado, my dragon. Suggestions on dragon names will be accepted by way of comment below.
So, there's a horse and a dragon, now logic dictates that there should be a knight to complete the ensemble. I'm sure there are plenty of plate and chain armor aficionados out there that would critique my choice of armor, but frankly I don't care. Apart from a couple more proportion issues (which I still have occasionally) I think he turned out reasonably well.
There you have it.  The first three are up, with (hopefully) many more to come. 
Afterthought: I'm planning to set up an email address before long to be used for any suggestions for future drawings. Until such time, feel free to leave any suggestions in the comment section.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Things to Come

Well, here it is. I've been saying I would start a blog for a while now to display some of my art, and soon the posting will begin. I'm going to aim for posting at least once a week, so if you like my work, let me know and be sure to check back often for more. If you don't like it, I'm open to CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Also, I will be actively trying to keep this all clean and family friendly, so please refrain from using bad language. Looking forward to getting started with the posts soon.