Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Mid-Week Post #2

It's the middle of the week again, so here are a few more sketches.

First is a little guy in a short tuxedo.  I'm going to call him a brownie.  Not the chocolate kind, obviously, but the mythological kind.  Even though I don't recall them being known as a particularly classy lot, I chose to dress him in a tuxedo. I suppose since I've drawn similar creatures these many times over the years that these guys must be one of the many native species of my imagination.  This one, named James, came to realization while I was sitting in the stands at a high school lacrosse game. He is on the back of a team roster, drawn with a dollar store blue pen, so not the best quality paper or drawing instrument, but I think he looks rather dapper anyway.

Here are some hands I drew while in college about *coughs* years ago. The right-hand...hand in the second drawing bothers me a little, but I drew it exactly as the source picture I was working from showed it.  I can't help it if they chose a hand model with a chimp proportioned palm.
I would highly recommend drawing hands in various poses for any aspiring artist.  They, like the eyes, are one of the most expressive parts of a person. Don't believe me? Watch people conversing.  Are their hands still?  Probably not.
Disclaimer: Drawing hands can be exceptionally frustrating and I am in no way responsible for any damages to you or your surroundings as a result of hand-drawing frustration. If you chose to punch a hole in a wall, your safety is (literally) in your own hands.

Finally is a portrait of a zombie drawn on lined notebook paper (a medium I prefer to avoid when possible).  I brought him into being between the first and second periods of a Bossier-Shreveport Mudbugs hockey game where I was working as a camera operator. I realized that most zombies are given rather unbecoming names like Decomposing Composer, Vicious Girl Scout, or Miami Face Eater, so I decided to give them a little class.  That established, I submit for your approval Mr. Holden J. Glover, the Eloquent Zombie.  While other zombies are shambling around moaning and groaning, he is shambling around very politely moaning "I'm really rather famished. Might I partake of your brain?"  Alas, in spite of his impeccable manners, he is still a zombie.

So there you have it. Another mid-week post for you. I'm thinking next Wednesday may be the first Wire Sculpture Wednesday.  As always, please share any comments or requests for future projects (celebrity portraits excluded) below.  Who knows?  Your idea may be just the inspiration I'm seeking.


  1. Yeah! Big fan of the wire sculptures! Is there anything to this formula?

    Long Sermon = Awesome Wire Sculpture


    1. Haha! There may be a connection there. Or maybe I should go with "I neither confirm not deny the allegation in the event that my answer incriminates me." :)
