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Monday, September 10, 2012

I've Got the Blues...and Yellows...and Some Green...and a Touch of Red

Happy Sunday! It is Sunday, right? In any case, here's the "Sunday" post for the week.
Since I've already shown both abstract and objective art from my repertoire, I'll skip the explanations about what each is and refer you here and here for examples of objective pieces and here for abstractions.
This first painting is of a tropical fish, the species of which I don't recall (I have more of an affinity for mammals and reptiles than fish).  While the fish is obviously the focus of the painting, I decided to counterbalance the natural intense colors of the fish by removing all of the obvious color from the background.  I say the obvious color because in spite of appearance, the rocks, coral, and sand all contain a degree of blues and purples.  The viewers eyes perceive the small amounts of color on a subconscious level and add to the overall cohesion of the painting.
Next is a nude woman. Seriously. She's been abstracted to the point of being nearly non-objective, but does remain some identifiable features. This is in fact part of a pair of paintings, one abstract and one realistic. I may post the original at some point if I can get a good picture of it. Fear not though, in spite of being a nude the woman in the photograph I worked from is completely decent, so I can still maintain the family friendly atmosphere of the blog. But I digress, so back to the abstract version. With this one I chose to use a primary color scheme (red, yellow, and blue) for the figure of the woman. Since the background of the photograph was jungle foliage, I used green. The green also helps set off the figure from the background in the same way the grey background above helped set off the fish. 
 So there's the *ahem* "Sunday" post for this week. I'm afraid to say I've been slacking a bit in my art creation as of late, but I will definitely be remedying that in the coming weeks.  Speaking of weeks, I hope you all have a great one! Until next post...
Stay creative,

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