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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Summer: A Time for Bizarre Animalia

     Okay, so in the interests of full disclosure, there isn't really a time of the year that isn't a time for bizarre (and frequently fictional) animalia.  So here three such creatures.
     This first one should be recognizable to those familiar with classical mythology, or even heraldry.  It's a gryphon (griffin, if you prefer that spelling). They are usually represented as majestic beasts that are a chimeric combination of an eagle and a lion.  In fact, being that the lion is considered the "king of all beasts" and the eagle the "king of all birds," the gryphon, being a combination of the two, rules both birds and beasts, making it the king of all creatures. Enough folklore's my gryphon.

     Next is the fulfillment of a promise I made in this previous post to show the completed man-bat.  Not a lot to be said about him, other than I obviously accentuated the bat-like ears (used for echolocation in hunting), eyes (which despite the "blind as a bat" adage are of at least some use, particularly in the UV spectrum), and nose (the sense of smell also being very acute and helpful when hunting). I elongated the arms that would be expected of a more humanoid figure in order to accommodate the wings. Increasing the finger size assured that he kept at least a bit of the human side.

     Finally is an completely hideous creature that was the result of misunderstanding what one of my sixth grade students said (Thank you, J. Friestad).  I don't recall the actual words that were said, but thanks to a bit of sleep deprivation I heard "wiggly squirrel."  Sure, I could have gone with something cute and cuddly, but when have I ever taken the cutesy path? So in the tradition of the cave chicken, here for your consideration is Wiggly Squirrel.

     There you go. The first new post of my own art in quite a while.  Hopefully it has entertained you for a few minutes, or at least killed a little time.  Either way, stay tuned  for future posts to see what issues forth from my fevered imagination. Comments or criticisms (preferably of the constructive variety) are both welcomed and encouraged, so use that comment area below. Until next post, enjoy your summer and as always... stay creative.

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