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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Abstract Thinking

So I decided this week that I would introduce you to some of my abstract work. These paintings are of two very different types: figurative abstraction and total abstraction.
First is a total abstraction. Believe it or not, this is a painting of a road through the middle of a mountain forest in the fall.  In fact, it's an alternate view of this painting that I posted a couple of weeks ago.  In total abstraction, the subject of the painting is reduced to very basic colors and forms. Here the green and orange shapes could indicate leaves in the midst of transitioning into their fall colors to some, but may evoke completely different thoughts or emotions in others.  Total abstraction in many (even most) cases is less about what the artist sees, and more about what the art viewer sees. Both figurative and total abstraction also tend to convey the feelings of the artist about the subject.  In the case of this painting the artist (me) finds the fall forest both invigorating and peaceful. Paradoxical as those feelings may seem, I think I managed to get a little of both tucked in there.
 This second painting is of another facet of abstraction known as figurative abstraction. In this form the object being depicted is often simplified, but maintains a degree of what makes it recognizable.  This particular painting is of a pair of peace lilies. Notice that even though the shapes of the flowers and leaves are not any shapes that you're likely to see in nature, but are still distinguishable as flowers and leaves. As with the above painting, this painting expresses my feelings of the subject.  The flowing lines and smooth (mostly) cool colors are intended to evoke a feeling of calm and comfortable cool of the spring. The bright warm orange color at the center serves the duel purpose as a defined focal point and as a counterbalance to the cool colors throughout the rest of the painting.
Well, there you go. Two forms of abstract art all laid out for your consideration and (hopefully) enjoyment.  I'm percolating several drawing ideas that I plan to make time to put on paper in the weeks to come. Until then there are still paintings to come so keep checking in and suggest the same to your art-appreciating friends. Also remember, if you have any ideas for drawings, paintings, or even challenges for me please share them either in the comments section or email them directly to me at Oh yeah! You can also now follow me by my twitter username @HeyMisterH.  I'll be posting links to all of my updates there now, too.
Stay creative,

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