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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Mid-Week #10: An Epic Battle... of Decoupage!

So for this mid-week post I decided to share some of my art of a different medium.  These are a pair of decoupage pictures. They aren't traditional decoupage, since I didn't use any complete pictures instead opting to use the pictures of textures and colors to form new pictures.  These started as an assignment for a mixed-media class in college. I had never done any decoupage before this, but took to it like a duck takes to water...or like a fish takes to swimming...or like a bull takes to trampling through the streets of Pamplona, Spain...anyway, you get the idea. I began with the wolf while in class, and enjoyed that so much that I came home and started the lion.  I threw in individual images and detail close-ups of the faces to give a better idea of what sort of texture images form the animals and background.

Well, as you probably noticed, I also made a few cosmetic changes to the blog this week. The biggest of these being the addition of a new header.  As time goes by, I'm going to try to update the logo using the styles of some of the artists that inspire me. After going through many different variations, I settled (with a little help from a couple of friends) on the design below.  The design is a tribute to the late, great Jack Kirby who co-created such characters as Captain America, the Fantastic Four, the Hulk, and the X-Men, among others. His artistic style is among my all-time favorites. The background of the caption bubble is my attempt at replicating one of his most famous techniques known as the Kirby krackle (one of the few times I'm okay with a word being intentionally misspelled).
I can only hope that my art will some day be even one-millionth of the inspiration to others that Mr. Kirby's art is to me and artists worldwide. Until Sunday...
Stay creative,

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