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All images on this blog are copyright of A. Hampton and the Hey Mister H! Blog unless otherwise stated.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Alright Everybody, Here's A Challenge for You

Your mission, should you choose to accept it...
Imagine and create, draw, send.
Sounds simple enough to me. Here's what I'd like to see happen:

1)Imagine and create some creature or amalgamation of creatures.

2)Draw what you've come up with and flex your artistic talent muscles. (I know some of you are saying "I don't have any artistic talent" or "I don't have a good imagination". That's why it's called a challenge. If it was easy it would be called and easy, wouldn't it.

3)Send what you've created to me by way of email at You can either scan it(this is preffered and typically yields better results) or take a good picture with your digital camera (warning: many cell phone cameras don't pick up fine details very well). In either case, the higher the resolution (300 dpi scans are great) or the higher the megapixels (AT LEAST 3 megapixels preferrably 5 or  more), the better.

"Why?" you may ask. Because you can AND because I want to share your talent (seriously, I've never met a person with NO artistic talent) with my other readers. If/When I have enough drawings from you guys, I'll make a special post out of all the submissions. Make sure to include either your name (first name and last initial will suffice, if you choose to remain anonymous) or even just a nickname you like so I can include it with your drawings. Even if you want to remain completely anonymous in the post, still send any of the previous name formats, so I can acknowledge you by that name in a response email.

If you know someone who hasn't seen my blog who you think could take this challenge, please tell them too!

THE NOT SO FINE PRINT: Please avoid profanity and/or any nudity since I prefer to keep this place family friendly. I also give you my word that, beyond being posted here, submitted art will not in any way be used or altered by me without your permission.

My usually "beginning of the week" post should follow at some point today.
Stay creative,

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