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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Tooth and Nail

I guess that given these drawings, maybe "Teeth and Nails" would be more appropriate, but it just didn't have the same ring to it.
First up is a character that has little by way of explanation, but what there is I'll tell you.  This is Pearlie.  Pearlie is one of those drawings that just sort of popped out of the depths of my subconscious. I find teeth to be interesting and at times disturbing.  Just think of all of the famous characters who would look vastly different without them. Bugs Bunny, Jaws, Count Dracula, and Goofy are just a few (admittedly disparate) examples. The shape of each of those characters' teeth is a huge part of the viewers identification of who they are.  Pearlie is no different.  Given his rather massive mouth it is apparent that he is a talker. His huge white rounded rectangular teeth betray his non-threatening disposition. The dark eyes could be a little ambiguous, so I also gave him a whimsical hairstyle to add to the overall goofy impression he gives.
This next one requires the least amount of description of nearly anything I've posted so far. It's simply a skull.  Since, barring any invertebrates who have taken to reading my blog, all of us have skulls it is one of the most recognized shapes I can think of. The symbolism associated with them is pretty clear too. Unfortunately danger, death, poisons, and general warnings are all commonly associated with skulls (frequently accompanied by crossed bones). Because of those connections, most people have a bit of a mental block against noticing the finer details of skulls. Who knows why? Maybe it's a human instinct thing. Whatever the reason, that simple fact makes a skull a great practice for observing and drawing details. It's arguably one of the most unfamiliar familiar things you can draw. Give it a try sometime.
Finally is a critter that I drew purely for the fun of it.  Have you ever thought about the term "fish fingers" that is given to the formed pressed pieces of fish served in many school cafeterias?  This is the answer to that very question. This is also another of my drawings was directly inspired by a fifth grader's suggestion. Since, as far as I know, a fish of this type has never been observed in the wild, I had free reign to give it whatever details I wanted. As you can see I decided it should have a beak. There's not really a logical reason for that decision, I just liked the way it looked. I thought having a big toe for its side fin was a nice addition as well.
Well, there you have it. I should point out that this week's title not only hinted at the drawings you'd see, but also at how hard I'll have to work to make sure I have something to post next Sunday. I think I may begin showing some of the paintings I've done, or maybe make some more drawings... who really knows what all can transpire in a week. Check back to see, and be sure to tune in midweek for the next installment of Wired Wednesday.
Stay creative,

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