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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Mid-Week #5: Wired Wednesday Part III

It's time for more wire art! It seems pretty rare that I just outright dislike any of my wire sculptures, but I must say that I'm particularly fond of these three.
First up is my spider. She's about 2.5 inches tall and about 10 inches from far left foot to far right. Not the kind of spider even the bravest soul would want to find crawling on their face, I'd wager.  As with most of my animal figures, I didn't aim at any special species of spider as much as the idea of Spider.
Side note: This is one I liked enough to make a smaller variation with a pin attached to the back to be worn as decoration, so if you're in need of a unique little brooch for your next soiree, email me and we can work something out.
This flower is a case of having free time (an idea that is growing increasingly foreign to me) and being a little bored (an idea I am unfortunately still very much acquainted with).  I supposed that good things can grow out of that boredom though. (Sorry, I find it very difficult to resist a pun.) Anyway, it's about 5 inches across and 2 inches or so from the base to the tips of the highest petals. This is also one of the few sculptures that I use more than one gauge of wire. In this case, I wrapped each petal and the center with smaller gauge wire to give it a little more visual interest.
Finally today is my hand. Really. It's the exact size of my hand. I can't really recall what inspired me to craft a life-sized hand out of picture hanging wire, or why I chose the left hand for that matter. Ideally, I will one day make the rest of the body to accompany the hand, but that's going to take a very long time and a lot of wire.  If and when the life-sized wire man (MegaZeke-37?) comes into being, I will most definitely post pictures. Maybe I'll even post pictures of him as he progresses, if/when he does progress. Hmm... I may have to get onto that soon. 

A life-sized MegaZeke-37 would be my most ambitious wire project so far, hands down. (Seriously, I can't help myself.)
I've still got wire-works to share, so Wired Wednesday will continue until the wire runs out. Until, next time friends.
Stay creative.

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