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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Mid-Week #7: Wired Wednesday Act V - Masks Continued

Wired Wednesday strikes again! I decided to share a few more of the masks I've made this week, including one of my favorites. So here we go...
This first mask is the result of my general distaste for football (American football for my overseas readers).  I know, I'm supposed to be a huge fan of it just because I'm a guy, but I greatly prefer one good hockey game to a whole season of football. Anyway, about five or six years ago, I was invited to hang out with some friends and watch the Superbowl. Since by my estimation, the commercials and conversations with friends are often the best parts of the game, I brought along my wire and started working as we talked. By the end of the game, I had managed to bring about this half-mask. I've always enjoyed the labyrinthine meandering lines of ancient Greek and Roman art, and since they were some of the great masters of theatrical masks, the project practically designed itself. So here it is It's about six inches from top to bottom.
Along the same lines of thought, I also made this next mask.  If you are familiar with classical theatrical symbolism, you'll likely recognize this guy as Comedy, a mask most frequently associated with the muse Thalia. In fact, you have almost certainly seen it in the company of the mask of Melpomene, muse of tragedy. The two masks together being an accepted symbol for theatrical acting.
This final mask (for today, at least) was made as an accompaniment for the Sun mask I posted in the first Wired Wednesday. I decided to make the Moon simple in design to provide visual balance with the much more visually busy Sun.  Like the Labyrinth mask above it is a half mask, only split vertically instead of horizontally.
On that note, I'll say "Good night, Moon," (and other masks) and sign off for the day.  I'm finally taking pictures of some of my other figures, so the Wired Wednesday series will continue for at least one more week. That should give you all time to work on and send me the art I challenged you to draw a couple of weeks ago (hint, hint, hint). Looking forward to sharing more drawings Sunday!
Stay creative,

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