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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Mid-Week #8: Wired Wednesday Part 6

 Wired Wednesday is off and running! This week's theme is...well...there really isn't one...I guess wire? Yeah, I'll go with that. Anyway, here we go.
This first one is a unicorn, as is strongly hinted at by the singular sharp horn protruding from its forehead. Unlike most of the sculptures I've posted pictures of so far, this one is in fact the third of its kind.  I produced the first one as a gift. When a co-worker of the gift recipient saw it, she offered to commission a second one.  While I was making the second one a thought occurred to me. "Why not make a third unicorn to keep for display?" I thought. Not exactly a riveting story, I know, but important nonetheless. Had I not made this one, I couldn't be sharing it with you today. The final product stands 9.5 inches tall and is about 11 inches from head to tail. I like the way the whole thing turned out, but my favorite part of this one is the mane, on which I used a smaller gauge stainless steel wire.
At this point, I imagine that seeing another mask shouldn't come as much of a surprise.  This one is fairly unique in that it has almost no story of how I was inspired to make it.  Basically, I started bending some wire and really liked the shapes that began to form.  At some point in every work of art the artist has to step back and say, it's finished.  That time came fairly early in this mask's creation process. It's about 9 inches tall.
I'll conclude this week with one that isn't nearly so simple in design, but also started as a mask.  This, in case it isn't immediately apparent, is a chimpanzee head. My fascination with most primates is the short form explanation of the "why?" of this one.  It started off in much the same way the mask above did.  I first set out to make a slightly abstracted (read cartoony) monkey mask. Somehow in the process of creating it, the project took on a life of its own and became the approximately 1:1 scale chimp head you see now. Unfortunately, due to the complexity of the wiring, it doesn't translate as well into two-dimensional photograph as I would prefer. The first shot shows it in profile, the second viewing it from the front, and the third viewing it from the back.  Like the full scale hand I made and showed in this post, I hope to one day complete an entire body for this guy.  If and when that day comes, I will most assuredly post pictures of both the process and the final product.  Until then, a disembodied primate head it shall remain.
Though I will still post wire sculptures periodically, my weekly Wired Wednesday series will be drawing to a close before long.  Keep checking back though to see what other projects I have in store for you.  Rest assured that as long as there is life in my body, I will continue to do my best to translate my art from ideas to realities.  As usual my art challenge to you all stands and don't forget to support your local artists of all forms. Have a great week and as always...
Stay creative.

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